Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Why was/is beethoven so important?

He would have been considered as a great composer if he had not changed the course of music from the Clical Period to the Romantic Period. No other one composer could be considered the founder of a musical period. Bach was the culmination of the Baroque Period, Mozart took what the composers in the Clical Period had done. and improved on it. Beethoven not only was a great Clical composer, but took that style and started developing it into the Romantic Period.

Chemistry combine C & S into a covalent bond?

Carbon can form 4 bonds, Sulfur can make 2-6 bonds, so if you combine them, would you get CS2?? If so why? Is it because Carbon can form double bonds? Hmm, Im not sure.

Is there Kangaroos in American zoo's???

I'm really curious i've never really gone to any zoo , i know shocker but i'm curious are kangaroos only available in Australia and in Australian zoo's?? I really want to know thanks =]

Do you speed up! When another car goes to overtake you?

no, why put innocent people in danger, because usually its not the idiots who do things like that, that gets killed, more the pity, its the decent people coming the other way, maybe a family with young children in the car.

*sigh* should we try this again?

Since you are trading on a fallacious premise by insisting that people do what is categorically impossible, to disprove a universal negative in deductive logic, then you really have no cause to "sigh" when people point out this fallacy with things like invisible pink unicorns.

Help wanted - what do people think to this.... I met a man about 5/6 months ago and he seemed very keen on me?

and he pursued me quite persistently and I after a period of time started seeing him. He was very busy so we didn't go on loads of dates but just a couple of times over a couple of weeks and we always had a good time and he was affectionate with kisses, holding hands, cuddles etc. He then went away for 6 weeks on business and he returned early to surprise me and it was then that we slept together for the 1st time - a respectful amount of time elapsed I think. But slowly but surely since then he has become less affectionate, we haven't slept together in weeks and this isn't helped by the fact that we haven't seen each other in weeks! I know he's busy as am I but surely at this early stage we should be in the honeymoon period?? I have recently moved to an apartment on my own so we have a place to go whenever we want in total privacy but he's only visited once! And only stayed for an hour, giving me limited affection during this time also. I don't think he likes my cats and dog - is this the biggest problem he thinks we will face as a couple??! I did think this could all be down to cultural differences (i'm Brit, he's Russian) and he's not very experienced in relationships but I'm not sure whether to have it out with him or just end things with the hope of maybe finding someone who is a bit more attentive? I'm 25 and he's 31, please tell me what you think?

Wnat to do MBA at LIBA thro coresspondence., plz let me know it having an y entrance or not?

I would like to know the Fees Details and Course details and Eligibility creteria for doing MBA Correspondence at LIBA Chennai. PLz Help me to get that..

My puppy licks me a lot?

my golden retriever pup was sleepy so i gave it a mage and rubbed it to help it relax and then he started licking my hands. he also started to put my hand in his mouth and i thought he was going to bite but he didnt. he just put my hand in his mouth and didnt try to bite while licking me. also, while i put him in my lap he does the same thing. is this behavior to be reinforced or discouraged because i heard licking was a sign of affection? thanks.

What do you think..................?

I know this is long but pleez read it, its urgent, ok, i havent seen my father in over 8 years and he has never paid any child support for me, i live in perth, WA, and he lives in NSW. My mum dumped him coz he ended up stalking her but thats no reason to abandon his first child, coz i am, and ive been trying to see him and get into contact with him for almost 2 years now and he hasnt tried one bit, when i tried to call him a few weeks ago, he got his wife to text saying stop trying to call us, and i so want to see him but i hate his guts for not caring at the same time, so im wondering if you have any comments about this pleez, i need to see if he's still worth my time, or if im better off without him in my life, i feel like he dosnt even love me, and i also found out only 2 yrs ago that he already has another daughter that 4 or 5 with his wife, and i just dont think its fair that he abandons me but looks after his second child and he never sends me a present or even a lousy card for my b/days Christmases or Easters and my 13 b/day just past a few months ago and he never even sent me anything for that b/day either!, and im just really p*ssed off that he never puts any effort into trying to see me again or that he never spends Any money on me whatsoever so im just wondering if i should keep trying to pull through to see him, or do u think that he should stick it, and i really want to see him again so i really dont know, so pleez let me know what u think i should do, and pleez no stupid or rude answers, i want only the truth.

Recommendations for a good string quartet or trio in Honolulu?

I'm looking for a string quartet (or trio) to perform at my wedding ceremony in Honolulu, Hawaii. Do you know any good ensembles based in Hawaii? I've already found Lotus Ensemble and tried to contact them, but haven't heard back.

What is the creamy, white, yogurt like discharge from a woman during ? it has no smell .?

During before, the discharge is the same but one time, it was yougurt like, white and creamy but odorless . It alarmed both parties bec. it was the first time. The woman is so worried if this is some sort of a disease or what. Her feels okay and there was no itchiness. What was it?

Calling all figure skaters?

It's called the Y spin, but people call it the I spin. I can do it on the ice almost as good as her cause I do the same thing off ice except i'm not moving.

I need sweet sixteen montage songs ?

I need an upbeat song for my sweet sixteen montage. I start it out with walkin on sunshine, then it goes to just dance and i need one or two more then im finishing it off with time of my life by david cook. I want a fun and current song so any ideas?

More Religious questions. =\?

Website of Roman Catholic Church is the best source for all your answers. Or else you can now a days refer to Indian Emby, they would forward it to Vatican City.

Do you have any good websites on this topic?

could you give me links to websites that have some common quotes on four stoke and two stroke dirt bikes, please.? thanks alot!!

What are some good books?

I'm into the kind of things like Percy Jackson, Hunger Games, Harry Potter, The Mysterious Benedict Society, The Hollow Kingdom, The Chronicles of Narnia.

What are the signs of menopause.?

hot flashes really bad mood swings. And like it said 12 months of no period and I guess there could be a pre state to menopause.

How do I find a phone # or e-mail address for Midland Funding LLC?

I am being sued by these people and have no idea who it is or why? I would definitly like to contact them. That is a low blow that you can't find any information on them. Just snail mail and that would take to long for the court date!

Private by kate brian.?

I don't know. Probably no one obvious. But idk. I just can't get over the fact someone would push her in. D:

Is Kerry washingtn Spanish?

Only people with the last name Washington in the U.S. are George, Martha, and African Americans...The answer is no...

I have a NCAA Football Question?

Bowl games are only played by certain confrences. Like the chick-fila-bowl is played between the SEC and ACC I think. A Big 12 team is always represented in the Fiesta Bowl. For a link try www.ncaa.com.

Roll some 401k money into IRA?

I want to take maybe $10,000 from my 401k and put it into an IRA or a Roth IRA so i can invest in individual stocks (my 401k only offers mutual funds/bonds). I am not quitting my job. Our 401k plan is with Merrill Lynch and I'd be willing to just open this IRA with them. I know the money needs to go directly to the IRA not to me. If I do this can I avoid the 10% early withdraw penalty. I mostly want to do speculative investing in stem cell companies and clean energy companies. I'm only 29 and have $108,000 in my 401k right now so as much as I want to avoid a 10% penalty I don't care if I have pay it, I really want to invest in individual stocks. I plan on calling Merrill Lynch as well, but before I get their biased advise I would like to hear from the public. Any other thoughts/ideas/suggestions for me. Thanks

Whats more sick? Stuart Scott's eye wondering or his belief that people think he is funny?

There is only one Dennis Miller. Please drop the act for all ESPN personas that they are mo funny than the rest of us. I am so tired of the one liners that go nowhere....am I the only one that is tired of this crap? The "cooler than the other side of the pillow" is played the F&%K out...Tony Cornholer is a absolute pub and Mike T is a FU#$n Golf dude....stay with that and leave my NFL alone...congrats to ESPN for making everything about selling ad dollars. I realize that the NFL needs ad money but I can not wait till all the games are on the NFL network (I like to dream).........screw ESPN and the s that run it that are trying to mess with the NFL.....

Another how much weight can I lose question ....Girls HELP!?

I went shopping for clothes today and It was a complete nightmare .I wanted to cry at the store.I'm 19/F and 5'3 height and weigh 53kgs or 117 pounds.A year ago i weighed 47 kgs or 104 pounds . If I work out and eat right for a month will I lose the weight.I can't live with myself anymore

How was Armenia able to liberate Kharabagh after independence from Soviet Union?

Armenia took over 20% of Azerbaijan even though Armenia is 1/4 of Azerbaijan How did that happen? What military advantages did they have?

Braces/retainer question?

You would need braces. Just make an appointment with an orthodontist and you can go in for an evaluation and they will tell you what you will need to get it fixed.

How to solve Microsoft Office error 1402 on Windows 7?

You might want to use a 'registry cleaner' to fix all the damaged registry files that are inside your PC. The most popular one of these is a tool called "RegCure" which you can get from a href="http://www.fastregistryfixes.com/best_registry_cleaner_tools.html" rel="nofollow"http://www.fastregistryfixes.com/best_re…/a

Can I participate in American Idol if I live in Canada?

yes you just have to get a green card to work here. In the season that just finished up there was a girl from Ireland

Getting a tattoo - where to get it? Opinions :)?

i have one in all those places and i think they would all look great. if your wanting it in the least painful place out of those three id say go for the lower back, but my favorite is the hip. Have you ever thought about your chest ? i think a erfly would look great there. Goodluck and remember tattoos are a work of art and you will love it when its done!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Do you have a favourite among your horses?

Hmm.. i have 2 horses and theyre both my favourite but in different ways. Like my favorite to ride would be my tb mare and my favorite to be around and talk to and just cuddle would be my pony twinkles :D

Give recent volcano eruptions (described in the media. Name materials that extruded from an erupting volcano)?

Ash, tephra, pyroclastic materia, rock types like pumice and scoria. Obviously lava. Should get you started.

On Average Why Do Afro Latinos Have Lighter Skin Than Afro Americans?

Spain brought a lot of African slaves to work their plantations in South America.It's a well mixed bag due all the different people getting together

Select all ionic compounds in which the number of cations present is two.?

Since cations are positively charged ions, the most likely answer is none - all of the compounds you've given us are ionic compounds dissociating into 1 cation and 1 anion only.

How to remove iodine coating on the paper ? ?

In some on the white paper iodine coating is there. That is full dry. Now i have to remove that coating, wt to do,pls answer me

My Intel graphics card is not working?

Use the link below. Find your compatible video driver on MS Windows Vista. I think it is VGA_driver_intel_v7 something.

Your opinion on biuality?

I am a male, and I have heard of various conceptions about us. Many say that we are undecided. Or that we're promiscuous and require two partners at the same time. Some say that we don't actually exist. I personally object to these statements, and I doubt I happen to be one exception. We face flack from both straights and gays (I'm generalizing here). Why? What do you think about biuality?

Traveling to Turkey this summer!?

US citizens buy a visa at the airport before going thru pport control. Less than $50 as I remember -- could depend on your length of stay. Don't know about your Lebanese friend's visa requirements. As far as money, figure what you plan to do, estimate what it would cost in the US, and take that amount. You should come out with money left over (not a bad idea). When estimating, figure in EVERYTHING (not easy to do if you don't travel much -- little things add up!).

Am I the only economist in the politics section?

It's nice you have a degree in economics, but Yahoo answers is a place for ordinary people who come from a variety of fields to talk and learn about certain issues. Everyone has their speciality I suppose.

How can this be, it makes no sense?

As you've probably gathered from my previous answers, I'm all in favor of your 44-40. As a matter of fact, the first few deer I killed were with a 92 in 38-40, and I consider 243 too little to use on deer if something better is available. People are enamored of kinetic energy these days, not realizing it's a poor surrogate marker for effectiveness when you get out of the miniature/small-bore range. The poor sectional density of the 200 grain bullets you'll doubtless use argue against strongly angled shots, but anything between broadside and quartering and that bullet will perform quite nicely. The people ragging you simply lack experience with the cartridge. By the way, you're likely to get 1500+ fps from it in your 92, so you'll do well to ignore the numbers people give you from tables derived from revolver ballistics.

Need help with the book Candide by Voltaire!!!?

Which character do you feel was the most enlightened through science, reason, liberty, and man’s capacity to think throughout the enlightenment??

Bill Clinton says that people hunker down in like-minded communities. Do you agree with that? Its polarizing

Clinton said that people are hunkering down in communities because they are like minded which is polarizing to the nation. I don't agree with that at all. I never talk politics with my neighbors and seldom with my co-workers. He says that high percentages of people from the same community vote alike. Doesn't that have more to do with the confidence in the candidate rather than any kind of polarization? There are only two presidential candidates.

Any one ever been to glastonbury?

I was wanting to know what Glastonbury festivals are like and v festivals and leeds festival never been don't know If I will like them or not do you have to wear a mac and wellies and camp out in mud?

What Do They Do With All The Steelers Gear Since They Lost Today?

Since the steelers lost the superbowl today what do they do with all the ''Steelers super bowl champions 45'' gear?..throw it away?.. so they did all those hats & shirts to waste???

(Please, informed answers and sources only) How does Statute of Limitations REALLY work?

It's like Bruce said, It's from the time the crime is discovered till when you can take legal action. For instance if a theft occurs and the limitations is five years then there is a five year countdown from the time the crime is discovered to prosecute the crime. If no legal action is taken before the five years is up then the crime goes unpunished.

Does writing down your thoughts on some subject of concern regularly sharpen your communication skills ?

as writing involved your mind to think creatively ,is it contribute to sharpen your intelligence too?

What is the molar concentration?

what is the molar concentration of a H2SO4 solution if a 75 mL sample requires 15 mL of a 1.55 M solution of NaOH to reach the equivalence point?

Why do women hate me? What have I done?

I mean, I say "Hello" to women with a smile and they look me up and down or just look away and are just very mean. My every attempt to woo a woman is thwarted immediately like I'm the modern day elephant man (all due respect) approaching them. When I look at a woman, they IMMEDIATELY look away and the last time I talked to a female and gave her my number, she gave it back. I have never, NEVER physically harmed a female. I am the one that my 1 female friend calls for advice about her look and about men because I am a gentlemen. I don't get it. Is chivalry dead? Because I continue to be nice, but if women do not honor it, technically, isn't it dead? I mean, I am not a bad looking guy at all. my drive is neutral, I can have a platonic relationship. It seems like I always evoke hatred from women, just my presence. I even just asked the females I very seldom hear from why don't they like me and I have yet to receive replies. I mean, I called, I am ALWAYS present when they need my help, they tell me how my advice helps them, then I never get a visit or they are absent when I want to kick it with them. I know, no one is obliged to be my friend, but it just seems like all, ALL women hate me, though most never have or doesn't want to meet me. I am the only one of all of my friends that is single. I have never cheated on a female. What do I do? I respect them, I don't advocate any violence against them, I don't just talk to them for . I just want that extra companionship. It's good to have female friends...but...it just seems...harder than the ACT. It just ain't fair. Please, help me.

How can we make progress in technology and conserve the earth at the same time?

the point of technological progression is to save the earth, develop pollution controls and new technology that can effectively cut pollution levels while helping the earth. i think technological progress and earth conservation go hand in hand.

Dwarf Puffer Fish Ques??..?

Okk so I heard that dwarf puffer fish are STRICTLY freshwater fish. This happened to be true with the Indian Dwarf Puffer. But then I also heard that the green spotted and figure eight dwarf puffers are brackish. So are the green spotted and f8 different species compared to the Indian puffer fish?? thx

Julius caesar into modern english?

Because of my beauty (which used to be so praised), because you swear to love me, and because we took marriage vows that basically made us into one person, tell me (who is therefore actually you, or half of you) why you are in such a bad mood, and what men have come to you tonight, because there were at least six or seven who came here hiding their faces even though it was dark.

I need help on taking care of my fresh shrooms (washing off bacteria)?

you can east those shrooms no matter what. even old mushrooms are good. youll be fine. eat the magic

Need relationship advice!!?

I suggest you both read Dr Phil McGraw's excellent book, Relationship Rescue. (I wish I got commission, as I recommend it to so many people!). As he says in the book, it isn’t only for people whose relationships are in trouble.

Why is microsoft (so) evil?

Make sure to include historical information like when Reagan forged a friendship with China and widespread outsourcing began for the U.S

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Senior coffee/tea drinkers ...?

I like to drink coffee at home, can't justify the price at Starbucks. I have tried the coffee drinks at 7-11 and they were sickening sweet to me. Sometimes I buy a blend and Millstones Swiss Chocolate Almond was a favorite, but they stopped making it. I like green tea, Earl Gray is my favorite black tea, but also like chai spice blend and herb teas.

Travel mexico?

Had a boyfriend once that was Mayan from Mexico. We went once and went all around. Never stayed at the hotel except occasionally, when I needed a shower and a little room service. We stayed at his parents home it was small and very rustic. We ate what they ate and lived like they did, it was exciting to see how other cultures live. Be adventuresome eat where the locals eat and you will have some of the best food there is around. The hotels cater to tourist so all the foods are made for the American palate. Bring lots of film or get a great digital camera lots to see Copal and Cichen Itza are indescribable.

Should I accept this trade?

Tom Brady is to much better than Favre, and Reggie Wayne is not that much better than Marshall, Marshall is starting to really pick it up.

Can someone tells if all my caps are right in this sentence?

According to my English teacher, that is correct, if it is indeed the title of your essay. She says to capitalize all words that carry weight, is dos not carry weight, obviously marriage, convient and love do. More is an adjective used to describe marriage and thus would carry weight, also than is used to describe the relationship between marriage and love so that would be too. Hope this helps

How to say "I miss you"?

there is a guy a lot older than me that i lke but i don't want him to know and i'm finishing writing him an email after we haven't seen each other in a long time and i feel like saying "i miss you" would be inapproriate. please help with other ways of saying it!!

Fable twoooo help please pleasepleasee.?

where in bloodstone can i buy a strumpet skirt? If I cannot find the skirt I hear i can buy a tart skirt as well,but where would i get that as well?

Give me a list with good songs done by female singers?

I heard all Lady Gaga songs , and (New york) by Paloma Faith , (Waka Waka) Shakira , (Untouched) by The veronicas , (Close to you) by Carpenters

Tax-exempt organizations and contributions?

There are a number of perfectly legal ways that a exempt organization can make a campaign contribution. A PAC is one such way.

PLEASE Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! easy 10 points!!!!!!! ? about "Medea"?

I have to write a eulogy about somebody who dies in jason and the golden fleece!! I need help!! could u tell me who dies and just give me examples of what to write!! oh and where do i find that story in medea??

Does he like me? read desc...?

well i've known this boy for a while, friend of a friend kinda thing and we were talking on msn for ages, texting etc and i met up with him, we were walking along and hes so so easy to talk to, and he always found a way to sit really close so that our legs were touching. we went on a 'ghost train' ride that he hadn't been on and we were squashed together and he kept sneaking up and grabbing my shoulders to make me jump, the he'd be like sorry honey, just checking you were still there ;) when we were in the carrage thing and it was all dark he put his arm round me in case i got scared and let me snuggle up and i swear i felt this connection. he always lays next to me like on the beach or something and he'll get really close so we're touching? and we can just talk for hours and we were on the train home and he was asking me about my love life and boyfriends and loads of questions like that and he was playing with my hair and hands and stuff like that, and he'd look at me and say something like 'aww i never noticed your little dimples' and smile, he always walks next to me and texts me every day but is he just being friendly or does he like me as more?! sorry if its a bit confused lol

Is there anyway of returning sensitivity in the ?

after masturbating like 4 times a week for over 4 years my fells numb and it gets harder to keep s because of no sensation. should i just stop for 2 weeks or somethin?

PHYSICS QUESTION!! I am honestly stuck on it and have no idea on how to start off !!?

A 40-kg projectile leaves a 2000-kg launcher with a velocity of 800 m/s forward. What is the recoil velocity(speed and the direction) of the launcher

Cl of 2011 Slogan!?

Have a look at Celebratory Tees for some Cl of 2011 t-shirt ideas: a href="http://www.celebratorytees.com/cl_of_2011.html" rel="nofollow"http://www.celebratorytees.com/cl_of_…/a

POLL: Canada do you want to become a republic or do you want to maintain the monarchy, please opinions?

I'm not a Canadian, but am a Brit living in the US. I say that Canada needs to grow up and stand on its own. Get rid of the monarchy. I think the UK should rid itself of the nonsense as well. It's the 21st century people! If you want to see history, go to a museum or library. Don't use taxpayer money to fund such ridiculous displays of snobby people wearing sashes, tiaras, and dripping in jewels obtained from robbing the resources of former colonies. If royalty is all that makes the UK (and Canada for that matter) stand out from the rest of the world, then that's just plain sad. There is much more about the UK and Canada to be proud of. Start honouring those things!

Should I Trade Uggla?

Trade him straight up...he is on fire right now so if you plan on dealing him do so soon. People will look @ his stats and fall in love with him but you know Uggla isnt going to keep it up all season...so you may get a pretty good starting pitcher.

Mom is looking at replacing her gas hot water boiler for an electric one how much would that cost and how hard?

Her boiler went out in the middle of winter and she has been using kerosene heaters and now she wants to get rid of the gas bill. How much would one cost

NFL fans, any opinion on...?

id like to see a team in alaska, hawaii, and vegas. the three most extreme places for a team in america

What are prominent shops / dealers located in Nakodia Plaza in Richie street in Chennai, India?

i want names of dealers dealing with electronic goods / parts like computers etc located in nakodia plaza in richie street in chennai, india.

Ever have one of those days????

Geez, ever had one of those days where nothing seems to go right? That would be my day. I can't get my stupid email to work and I sent my friend some info. that got posted in the wrong place not once but 3 times, and it's raining outside and I have no umbrella. I'm not even going to ask if this day could get any worse because I know it will the moment I open my big mouth : S

Do product review sites really work?

Saw an ad for product testers needed. This specific one was for productTestPanel.com. They ask to sign up for a few offers and they send you a iten to review. Is this for real or just another way for people to get you to sign up?

How do you think the Packers did today?

What's your take on the game? I personally think they were sloppy and were lucky to escape with a victory. They were lucky Philly had a bad first half. I'm also concerned about the injuries they suffered during the game. Injuries so early in the season could really derail their season.

Should susan atkins, one of mansons killers, be allowed to die at home?

or should this evil woman rot in prison? after all, DID SHE SHOW ANY MERCY IN 1969, TO SHARON TATE OR HER BABY? NOPE!

There really is no way to get rich, is there?

I know some who are rich. most of them had college education, very determined, knew what they wanted set the goals and achieved them. They do things that have meaning for them in their life and they work for themselves. have their own business. But money does not make the man or buy happiness. It does make some parts of life easier and more freedom. So yes you can get rich. I have seen many a time up close.

Hello!!! im 19 years old.. and have ben smoking for 6 years.. im having alot of problems breathing. and every?

physical activty i do.. it tires me out.. and have to stop for like 10 mins.. to get my breath back.. i have some what o f a cough.. i have hocked up.. yellow and black sputum.. and sometimes during the summer i would cough up blood... like one time i was walking to my cabin with my friends.. and it was a clear path and i was busted ( really out of breth) i had to stop for like 10mins.... and when i brings out the garbade i sometimes get out of breth.. i have bronchitis.. since last year.. and had medications for it.. but i used them for a week and still smoke so i odn't think it got better.. can this be copd at my age or can it be something else

Can i watch The Cronicles of Narnia Prince Caspion online free with no downloads?

I want tho watch it with good grafics if posible and i want to watch it free with no downloads. Last time i downloaded a movie it screwed up my computer so NO DOWNLOADS and free too. PLEASE HELP. Also i would like to no is there is a the lion the witch and the wordrobe game or prince caspion game online were u can talk to other players and stuff. thanks

I need support getting started with Processing rebates at home with Angela Penbrook.?

Congratulations, you signed up with a scam. If you have any money left over, I have a bridge to sell you.

Ocarina of Time: Stuck in the Water Temple?

When you first enter the temple have you been to the 3 levels on the right? I know that they are an early starting place for keys, I think it was the bottom level where you can go up through the ceiling another level and I'm sure there's a key up there to unlock the second level door on the left

She always gives me short answers when we text...?

short answers means that the girl doesn't want to be mean by ignoring you so they answer but just with short answers so that the conversation would hopefully end soon. sorry.

Is there any places which will be of interest which you will have to pay prior to going in thailand?

Hey, are there any projects or events which you will have to pre book in advanced which will be deferently be worth a try, like staying with a TRATIONAL family, take part in a interesting project, i will be going all around thailand mainly around bangkok way and chiang mai area and around there, are there any places around them or anywhere else, i will be staying for a month in thailand so maybe project or evetns which will be a week, thank you

I need a anniversary gift for my boyfriend help!?

I have gotten him this in the past 3 years a watch,video games,swords,flask,shoes,clothes... I want it to be special and we can't go on a trip because we will be going to his parents house two days after our anniversary which they live out of town anyways, he is into dragons, video games, rock music i just don't know. and I have a week to find it.

What programs (preferably freeware) can synchronize a video recording with a seperate audio recording?

I'd like to make a youtube video of me playing a piano piece (yeah, I know, I have too much free time), but I have a microphone that is much better than the one on my webcam. I can disable the webcam's microphone, but is there a way for me to synchronize the sound and the video files? I tried windows movie maker, but I can't seem to synch it there (my fingers and the notes always eventually go out of synch) I guess I'd have to do it manually in the worst case... Thanks in advance!

What is wrong with my diet?

Eat protiens, they build muscle and help with weight. If you are eating healthily then perhaps 160 is your ideal body weight.

Why do Americans take the Civil Liberties for granted?

I don't know of any Americans that want America to fail. That is a mischaracterization by one political affiliation against another. A lot of people believe the policies of the current administration have not been true to the ideals under which our country was founded. Do not let spin doctors confuse you into mistaking disapproval of the current administration's policies for anti-Americanism.

Saturday, November 12, 2011



Have been told the tabs on aluminum cans are bought by some companys for good $ true or false if true elaborat?

Romor. But Ronald McDonald house collects them and turns them in for their aluminum content. It takes a lot of them to get anything worthwhile though - not something an individual would have enough to get.

Whats the newer chip for the xbox 360? Falcon or Jasper?

Jasper is the newest chip but I hear they still put falcons in the new 360's. I bought one 3 months ago and have had no problem with mine. there are different things to look at to know which one is the jasper.. lower voltage and what not.. if you are buying a new one from the store it will be a jasper. hope this helps

I need ideas for dressing up as a celeb for a party. ?

I am going to a costume party, but it is required to dress up as a celebrity and to be creative. Anyone have any unique, funny, memorable ideas? And i want to go as someone that everyone will recognize right away, someone with trademarks. Like everyone will know paris hilton ...ect...

Help I am in the middle of cooking a stew..?

I would add 4 oxo's. And at the end add the cornflour. Which has been previously mixed with cold water to a smooth paste. Therefore you will not get lumps, and will not go clumpy.

Can you help me think of some songs?

to put on a CD to thank soldiers for coming to talk to talk at a banquet. I don't want all patriotic songs but also songs like "My Hero" by the Foo Fighters or thank you songs. I would really appreciate your help.

I still cannot get my contacts list back.?

My contact list disappears, reappears, then disappears again. Once I find it I will change from Yahoo to anyone else. I am just tired of this foolishness.

Translate chemical reactions into vice versa?

Two units of aqueous silver nitrate react with one unit of aqueous calcium chloride to form 2 units of silver chloride precipitate and one unit of aqueous calcium nitrate

What is your opinion of this Illegal immigrant gets prison for unpaid child support nice to see laws enforce?

"They are just hard working people that are looking for a better life" Ha! Yeah, right! This guy is the poster boy for illegals, he is an example of them all!

Carmen Electra Playboy pics?

Can any help m out with finding Carmen's playboy pics from her 1996 shoot? I mean the really rare ones? Thanks.

For isted suicide?

Well if you use the argurment that if someone is deathly ill with something that can not be treated like HIV they will prob say that there could be a cure the next day and they died for no reason..Remember to think of how you'll answer that

yse two policy measures that the UK government could use to move aggregate demand from AD to AD1?


How to know if your birds young?

you can tell by the eyes the eyes will be yellow with a black dot in the center if over 6 months under 6 months the eyes will be all black

What to do with frozen pepperoni sticks?

My brother gave me a bunch of butcher shop meat yesterday, and I'm not up to cooking today and I found some packaged frozen pepperoni sticks, so how do I go about it, let them thaw then cook them or can I just throw them in the microwave?

What is this lump in my !?


Why do ppl/the media in the US call Jennifer Aniston "America's Sweetheart",& not someone like Kristen Stewart?

becoz they admire those kind of fake personality.... n i'm with you....i love kristen not becoz she smokes,but becoz she is very down to earth n she has that kind of a bad girl look that doesn't seem to care about what people think about her....this makes her real.... i think kstew is the best version of bella just like rpattz is the best version of edward.....

Did Adolf Hitler ever laugh?

I seem to recall a photo of Hitler dancing and laughing as he won concessions from the great appeaser Chamberlain.

I bought a new psu for my pc. It only has pcie power cables on it, but my vid card is agp. Cable adaptors?

R there cable adaptors to convert the pcie power cable off my psu to the agp power connector on the board? The agp has simple 4 pins for power on the cca, but the power from the new psu is the 6 pin pcie connector. Please tell me a special cable adaptor exists?

Can the "double set" teeth be a hereditary condition in toy dog breeds?

I see this commonly in the toy breeds and it's called retained deciduous teeth. Usually one or more of the canine teeth is retained but it sounds like your dogs incisors are retained. It's not dangerous but usually we pull the retained baby teeth when we spay or neuter a dog. Sometimes these retained teeth increase the risk of dental disease developing later in life. It probably is genetic to some extent. Don't stress about it. Hopefully you are planning to get your girl spayed and ask your vet if he or she thinks the baby teeth should be removed at that time.

I want to put a monetary amount on the house hold chores that I do. Can you help?

why dont you just charge by the hour like a cleaning person the standard fair rate for your area. If your starting a cleaning company its the best way to do it because everyone will start adding things and you will be there all day for no money.

With the advent of the internet do you believe it will cause people to think less as well as have access ?

I think what it does is create a complex maze of information and data with no objective cause or purpose other than to be seen to be erudite and knowledgeable. The mysteries of life, universe and world remains as mystical and man suffers from disease, stress and dysfunction. He is unable to coexist with family, society without great pain and testing of his tolerance and for all his education understands and comprehend very little. Modern man is educated to perform in a task, not to think, find peace or be free spirited.

Muslims plz help!???

I am not a muslim, but from what I have gathered it is more to do with inner beauty. They are protecting themselves and taking power over how they look. I respect muslim women.

Are purposeful divisions in the USA responsible for mistrust and problems?

In the USA there are African-Americans, Mexican-Americans, German-Americans, Polish-Americans, etc. It is this an attempt to play on peoples' differences and bring up fears as well as foster bigotry in attempts to play one group against another for political, monetary, or economic gain?

Thinking of getting a tattoo?

I'm thinking of getting my first tattoo within the next year but i don't want to get just any tattoo. I want a tattoo with some symbolic meaning to me and my life. I want some thing cute and feminine like a heart with a design in my ankle. I also want a tattoo with my mom we both love horses and share that interest and we think that interlocking horse shoes on the back o the neck below the ear. Is this a good idea what tattoos would u recommend and where?

Wat action can i take......?

Basically, i work in a school, and a child that i have had excluded has claimed that i ualted him. This is a false allegation, and i have four eye witness that can support the fact that i did not ault him at the time he claimed. However, i have been suspended for work. I am just wondering what legal action i can take against this child or his family for surpporting this false claim, and what can happen to him.

Who knows the real name of the track with the same beat as "Glamorous"?

I heard the song "Fergie ft Ludacris - Glamorous" and knows that Ludacris had a own song with the same beat. Does anyone knows the name of this song? (sorry for my bad english:$, I am Dutch)

What type of dog is right for me?

I have 2 cats, a medium sized house, with a medium size lawn and a pool and there is a big park and a forest not 5 minutes away. i am looking for a medium sized dog that is easy to train. i was thinking about a Brittney but they are hard to get, and i was considering a siberian husky but i heard it didnt like cats. i would like a dog that likes water. Oh and i want the dog to be by my side and sleep/snuggle with me... PLEASE HELP!!!

Name for this male character... :)?

Since his favorite animal is a toad maybe name him after Judge Lawrence Wargrave from And Then There Were None since he's described as looking like a toad.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Proof obama's policies are costing jobs?

At&t laid off every independent contractor they had in Atlanta almost directly after the health care bill ped because of tax increases. I don't care if they believe me. I know it as a fact. I don''t know how many jobs they plowed across the country, but they got them here for sure.

Were the Wright influanced by Da Vinci ?

were the wright brothers influanced by leonardo da vinci? what did they base there airplain design on ? was it one of da vincis designs

Have you had a life altering "God Experience"?

LOL mike...don't think life really works that way, nice try. I was with my mum in hospital everyday for three months watching her die. When you are with someone you love that much and you are watching them die and praying that they will cross over (even though you wish they could live forever) you really come to terms with what life is and how it works. Its something that you can't put into words, but when you have experienced it, you just know.

I have questions bout the strangers!!don't read if u didn't see it!!!?

remeber towards the end when the three people capture that woman and the guy,what does that girl say?? the woman was like "yo why u doin this?"(i noe she doesn't say yo) the girl say"because yo are ????" what is the last word??my gurl said that she said bec. u are home. if she did say that why is she talikng about? what does she mean by this??

Would the lions in The Lion King be considered Anthropomorphic?

The very definition of an Anthropomorphic Animal is an animal that shows any degree of human traites. So yes, any animal posessing human qualities i.e. Human emotions, thought patterns, voices, or inteligance are considered Anthropomorphic. In the furry fandom the term coined to refer to characters that have the body of a (relatively) normal animal but posesses human traits (the most common of which is talking, human-like emotions, human-like eyes and faces, and human-like behaviour) is Feral Anthropomorphic Characters, or Ferals for short.

Is the books "MLA style manual" and the "Elements of Style" good to learn how to write excellent papers?

Im trying to find ways to learn how to write excellent, informative, concise papers and im wondering if the Elements of Style and the MLA style manual books are good recommendations. any suggestions will be helpful but explain why its informative so i can see if i should buy the books thankyou

Ear infections nearly every month..?

Ear infections are very difficult to treat because the blood supply to the ears is small. My suggestion is to have a culture of the discharge from the ear to determine the exact organism causing the infection, and a sensitivity test to determine the most appropriate antibiotics.Finally, treatment should be run for at least 2 weeks to eradicate the infection completely.

Time counter for Myspace comments?

the are many places for that just go to all of them pick one u like and click where it says generator find one that says countdown generator..and make it. here a the websites for that..☺☻♥

Evangelical Christians: Do your churches specifically teach you that Catholics aren't Christians?

No Biblical quotes necessary. I just want a straightforward yes or no, please. Kindly state your denomination when answering the question. Thank you.

B&A: Do you like the new beginning of my story?

I dont like that it opens with dialogue. I also dont like how its in present tense. But the story seems good and it seems like a good idea, so keep on writing

What is good gas mileage on a BMW M3 Convertible? I'm not buying one, i just wnat to know how good it gets...

I have a 99 m3 and couldn't be happier with the power to gas milage. I can get up to 36 mpg highway and average around 24-28 mpg daily driving.

Who do you think is the best college mascot?

There are tons of them. I went to ASU and think that Sparky the Sun Devil is pretty cool. He can actually move around and cheer. Who do you think has the best mascot. Please dont say stupid ones like Stanford Cardinal, a Tree is a stupid mascot. Same with the Buckeyes. Who the heck is afraid of a nut. The Stanford Tree is better than the Buckeye, because the Tree at least carried the Nut around. So who has the best?

Do you think tonight's debate will turn ugly?

I do which is why I'm going to watch this one! I think Hillary is sharpening her claws as we speak because her back's against the wall and her only recourse will be to attack, attack, attack. She has no other choice if she's to stop his momentum. Do you think this strategy will work or will it backfire on her like the plagiarism charge did?

My parents are driving me crazy about the SATs?

I'm becoming a Sopre and my parents are just going crazy about the SATs. Every single freaken day, they have to bring up the SATs. I can't even talk about sports or anything with out my parents saying, "Thats good son, but you should focus on your studies". I'm only a Sopre! I'm taking the PSATs this year. I know I should prepare for it so I can find out where I stand and how much practice I need, but my parents are going overboard. They are making me go to SAT practice cles and buying me like 50 SAT books. I don't even know half the math that is in that book. What should I do?

Air stone (bar) not creating bubbles? What could be wrong... video included...?

from what i see, i think you have too much air coming out of the clam, the clam is not supposed to be throwing out bubbles continuously. rather, air should collect slowly until there is enough to lift the cover and let the bubbles escape. air will follow the path of least resistance so all the air is escaping through the clam, what you should do is insert a valve or clamp to limit the air going to the clam and the air-stone should then work.

What are some skateboarding tricks I should learn as a beginner?

Kickfllip, heelflip, 180s, maybe nollie shuvits (easy for me), manuals, and rock and roll and rock to fakie on QPs.

What is a solution to my cat going onto furniture?

I am moving and will have roommates. I am bringing my two year old cat. They do not want him to go on the furniture. He is used to going onto the furniture at my apartment that I am moving out of. Is there a spray or something I could use on the furniture that will not harm the furniture (from suede type couches to wooden things)? I don't have the heart to spray him with water as he is very skittish. Thanks!

How long do you give Lilly Allens new show on BBC3? I give it 2 months ........... tops?

well, she is famous, i think it will carry on untill her money runs out, which is probably a long time from now....

Is Obama now backing Coakley in a last ditch effort to save his No Special Interest Left Behind healthcare bil?

Politics can be really confusing, even to pols. I thought Conservatives in Congress were 'supporting' both the Pharmaceutical and Insurance industries with their totally NEGATIVE votes on the reform of health care. Now, you accuse the Democrats of supporting Coakley so that those industries will win the fight for reform. This is a spin, on top of a spin! Have you considered this: Those lobbyists know the reform will be ped, but they hate the House bill, with the public option and, would much rather have the Senate bill with no public option and all of the other things the Senate gave away?

Approximate value of Plaisted Crock Gardiner, Maine anyone?

2 gallon stoneware Crock marked Plaisted Gardiner, Maine. Small opening w/ finger handle. Stylized cobalt blue flower. No damage, no chips, no cracks.Anyone have any idea of approximate value? Thanks!

Is it ok to hate the ghetto culture?

Many are tagged racists but maybe they are just against the ghetto culutre that many races align with but mostly blacks. I mean who likes the hard drinking dirty biker gangs that are white?

My husband is never home?

I know he loves me but he goes to kickboxing 4 nights a week and isn't home till 10pm we have a three month old, I don't have the option of working out because he has to and he goes out with the guys to watch the fights like very saturday lately. And its video games whenever he is home, I have tlaked to him but he gets really defensive and says that he enjoys kickboxing and video games, what should I do?

Readers!!!! If you have read sarah dessens book "This Lullaby" and "Sombody Like You"?

Okay, so i just finished this book and something clicked! One of the band guys has a Crush on a girl named scarlett and had a baby! Well, this is a little show up from one of her old books Sombody like you! i realized after i read it but has anyone else noticed that?! Sorry i just had a outburst and thanks for reading.

What would the effect be in Venezuela............?

should the U.S. place trade sanctions? and what hostilities towards the US has Hugo Chavez shown toward the US other than the satanic metephore toward Bush??

How do you make a desktop backround from captionit.com?

I'm not sure if I can help with this but I think you're talking about the stationary feature where you can have a nice floral design in the background. I'll take a look and send you an email if I find out how to do this. Give me a day or so. And btw, tell me how you found me and how old you are. I'm curious to know. D.

AM I PSYCHIC???????????

Psychics don't have magical power; they only think they do. I think you need to stop watching Harry Potter.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

What is the scariest haunted house in northern california?

I dont want to hear about typical haunted houses. I'm talking so scary you have to sign a release form and kids are not allowed! I want the ultimate scare!!! I live in Tracy CA but am willing to drive a few hours if I have to!

I really like the boots everyone has but i cant afford the expensive ones. out of the 3 which do you prefer?

one deffinately, the other two are too bulky, and icky. they do not look atteactive at all. the colors of the two other ones arent very nice, and i did change the color to black and gray, but i still think the first one is GRRRREAT!

Please help me clear this up?

The only way for her to determine how old the baby is is for her to have an ultrasound. From there she can count backwards to when the baby was conceived and figure out whos baby it is.

First correct gets best answer. how to chng the way the splash screen looks? stp by stp.?

stp by stp. HP Pavillion DV6000 Laptop. i want to chng the way tht my splash screen looks. the screen w/ the list of all the comp. users. plz hlp xplain this in exact detail. iv been trying to chng the way it looks 4 a long time. i like to customize my laptop. iv chng the bg, the ss, the mouse, the theme, the font on all active screens, including the net. thnx.

Why do some Christians get mad about people saying happy holidays?

They don't like it because of the other religions don't agree with christmas so they were made to change it to happy hoildays because the other religions get very angry at christmas and christians would like people to celebrate the birth of Jesus were as the others are celebrating something I don't know what it is though.

Okay, opinion on a name?

Like I said I am a Samantha and it is not to common it is also Cly and professional. I go by Sammie to my friends and NEVER Sam. Grace is cute unfortunately I am Jo. I am sure there is something out there other then Grace. Best Wishes Samantha!

How to turn on the heat radiator in my room?

I know i'm not the smartest tool in the shed but...i don't do good in the cold now my apartment feels cold and the heat in my room wont come on usually it heats automatically i never had to manually turn it on. i see two valves on it..what is it for? how can i turn on the heat? the one in the living room heats up but its not high n its not really keeping in there warm but my bedroom is freezing. I'm in a basement apartment this house been around from the 70's i checked where the boiler is to what seems like a digital thermostat it only has 3 ons it displays 114 degrees F outdoors 29 degrees F the other 2 ons only display hours 28 and 64 used...i don't understand... it's after 2 am and i'm freezing...please help

Royalty Free - Santa Claus Is Coming To Town Instrumentals ?

sounds like a weird question, but I want to make a parody to the song and need a royalty free version instrumental version of the song so I can make that parody. I've searched and had no luck.

What page in The Great Gatsby is this qoute from?

He knew that when he kissed this girl, and forever wed his unutterable visions to her perishable breath, his mind would never romp again like the mind of God. So he waited, listening for a moment longer to the tuning-fork that had been struck upon a star. Then he kissed her. At his lips' touch she blossomed for him like a flower and the incarnation was complete.

Can ya please help?(i posted this yesterday and nobody answered)?

dude she does not like you. she is pointing at you to show her friends the guy that wont leave her alone. but sometime persitincy can pay off. good luck though.

How do you change a regular picture into an icon for your desktop?

go to start menu. click on your picture. click change your picture. than click browse for more pictures.

Ladies what is the difference between a male friend who u always say hello to regardless if people are around?

compared to a male friend who say hello to when people aren't around but not in front of people and if a man was a good platonic friend of yours who was not attractive in the face would you be affraid to say hello to him in public or does it matter if that really is your friend

Kenyi cichlids lost color after 2 days from store.?

Cichlids can change their color when they are stressed, but your chemistry looks good. How old are your bulbs? 5-8 months(running 8hrs a day) the bulbs have lost 50% of their spectrum. The fish don't rely on the light for their survival, but the pigments in their skin can react to the light. The number of fish, and the size of the tank might stress out the fish???Inch per gallon at full grown lenght.

Help problems?

I would not freak out about this. I do not know how long you have been ually active, but to feel that way is completely normal. One thing your doing wrong is fighting it. Try your best to relax and take it as it comes. This is not a " problem". If you relax you will find out how good it can feel to have an

Is Rosie O'Donnell a Deranged woman?

She craves attention and she's not getting it. Most likely she's up to something maybe a show coming out or some business deal and she wants her name circulating around. people like this do it for attention whether its appropriate or not. You think Rosie cares. She slime she has no cl.

Miley Cyrus!?!?

In this video of the Miley and Mandy show: a href="http://youtube.com/watch?v=G1rTJoP-BMw" rel="nofollow"http://youtube.com/watch?v=G1rTJoP-BMw/a can someone try and find me stuff like in her room!? I am going to re-do my room and hers is rlly pretty! Also, what is the song called that is playing in the video?? (Not the JoBros one.) Thank you!

Im 17 she's 15 A LOVE QUESTION?

can a 15 year old really be sure there in love im not saying im the most mature person either meaning im absolutely sure i love my girlfriend i know i do id die for her hell id kill for her but im only 17 to others they might say you dont love her your just infatuated with her you just cant get enough of her right now your hormones are controlling you but i dont feel like they are im not with her to sleep with her we've already made love before but there was nothing sleezy or dirty about it she said that she wanted to pleasure me because she loves me it was a really sweet and caring event we dont do that often because our relationship isnt based off its based off our friendship we started dating not knowing how much we'd fall for each other and in the event of falling in love with her she's become my best friend and I hers we are comfortable around each other i can say anything tell her anything and she does the same she tells me everything i guess my question is can we last i know i love her but i feel like ive changed drastically from the age 15 im a completely different kid and my fear is that she will do the same become a different person and realize that maybe she wasnt really in love with me after all but just infatuated she tells me i treat her better than any of her old boyfriends her last boyfriend abused her mentally she started cutting she was really depressed when we first met now since we've been together i always see her smiling she was my first person ive ever had with and im her first as well she says she's sure she loves me whats your opinion?


Some people say that Chris benoit is evil and a mean person. Some people think he just went crazy and he would not have done that if he was not taking drugs. What do you guys think?

Help with my cross country tommorow?

nice to meet you Alicia.If you have a good sprint finish you are better off staying behind your rival and tracking her every move.Because there's not much to choose between the two of you at the moment your fitness levels are about the same,so you should have no problem in staying with her.You can then use your sprint finish to go past her instead of the other way round.Going by your pb's you should be able to sprint from 300m out and maintain that to the finish.Good luck tomorrow.

Are there any blogs or other media predicting Week 15 and 16 player rankings already?

I have a few ideas in mind of who I would like by the playoffs, including Anquan Boldin, Cardinals D and Jerome Harrison based on matchups. Any links or any other ideas? I need a replacement QB for week 15 mostly as I have Cutler and Palmer.

So....Ida was a big fat mistake? My goodness all my evolutionists what ever could have happened?

My how the mighty have fallen.....again and again and again....John Kerry should be the God of EVOLUTION with all the flip flopping

What do you think about my short story I wrote (please comment)?

faarkk you have to continue it! i want to read more but fix up the beginning because it sounds like he's talking to someone when no ones there,

What animes would you recommend me?

Dennou Coil is a really underappreciated anime. It's one of the best anime I've ever seen, and I don't know why more people haven't watched it. The first part is lighthearted and a little funny while building up the world around it and giving you important information, and the second part just delves into the chilling mystery of the truth behind the cyber world and hooks you to the screen until you finish it. I think this is exactly what you're looking for, as the show has a depressing background, the first part is lighthearted comedy/adventure, and the second part is a suspenseful mystery.

Darwin's finches beaks have gone back to the small beaks?

Evolution is neither a theory or fact. It is a Satanic deceit, nothing more. Finches have beaks, that's all. When Darwin talked about the "different" beaks, he was intoxicated with Satan's deceits.

Where can I find the California 2008 Primaries booklet online?

Here you go; a href="http://www.ftb.ca.gov/forms/2008/08_3805zbk.pdf" rel="nofollow"http://www.ftb.ca.gov/forms/2008/08_3805…/a

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

We had to put up with the stupid gaffes from Biden, now do we have to listen to Obama's "gaffes"?

So Obama is the 'intellect" from a Harvard law school, but has no cl to insult a former first lady Ronald Reagans wife, then like a little school boy, has to call her to apologize, ever think to engage your mouth before you speak?

Is it just me!?

I get really frustrated when people are tailgaiting me when im driving. I choose to follow the speed limits because i don't want to loose my license. Why don't they just overtake me. Its there choice.

Help with new towel woes!!!!?

Did you notice a smell all over you from those cheap towels? Get rid of them. Just break down and get some really great terry cloth. The reason towels are towels is too abrate your skin and clean off. Watch out from that cheap stuff comin out of China. ( kiss) :)

I need an ending to my report?

Use Wikipedia, it always has enough facts for a report. as for the ending, since you can't use a fact, use an opinion like, Ice hockey is the best sport ever created!

Should Britain pardon Anne Boleyn?

Henry VIII's second wife executed for treason and adultery on trumped-up charges because she couldn't give Henry a son.

If you really think about it, aren't public bathrooms really gross?

Aside from the obvious germs, but just the mere fact that people are sitting next to each other listening to bodily fluids trickle or plop out of their private holes and splashing around in the toilet ?! Do you realize what is happening? You're listening to the sound of someone's opening up.....

What is a good PDA/Smartphone?

I am a home health nurse and I carry a palm pilot with my drug guide and medical dictionary in it, but I would like to simplify with a phone. I also would like GPS on it so I can find my pt. houses easily. I've considered the Iphone or the LG incite, I'm not real fond of the blackberry style, but I love the AT&T quickfire style, however it isn't a PDA phone. The main thing I'm looking for is a good phone with a wide enough screen that I can read my drug guide on clearly.

I want to spy networked sys?? how to do that?

i have 3 sys in my room and it has connected through LAN..... i want to spy what others doing in their sys while they are working.. i want to overlook their activities from my sys while they are working in their sys.. Pls help me... is there any technologies are software to fix my pbm?? if there pls let me knw where can i download that n how to use it

Can comedians basically get away with verbal murder?

Johnny Carson said it's all about the way in which it's said, not the thing being said. I agree with that. If somebody says something that could be considered rude or offensive, but in a playful or jokey way that's supposed to be funny, there's nothing wrong with it. You asked "can a comedian be a racist or ist, or religious bigot and get away with it?" Well, the answer is usually no, but then again how many comedians are those things? I think you are simply identifying comedians who use racial, ual, and religious humor as bigots of those kinds, when in fact you are wrong. Sensitive issues are prime targets for ridicule and humor, and if you think people who choose to tackle them are bigoted, that's your problem. They're not bigoted.

Who is the most common presidential write-in?

I looked all over the internet, so maybe I'm not a very good researcher, but does anyone know who the most common presidential write-in on the ballot is year after year? i.e. Bugs Bunny, Mickey Mouse, etc.. I remember hearing this statistic once, and now I can't find it...

Are you hospitalised if you have the Swine Flu?

Only if you're extremely sick-- most people with the swine flu are no sicker than people with other kinds of flu and can recover at home.

3 days late, cramping no tenderness..?

In October of this year I lost my first pregnancy twins, (Paisley and Delilah.) My husband and I have been trying but since the D&C, I went from haveing a 28 day cycle, to having a cycle that has been anywhere from 28 to 31 days, this month I'm late by three days, ( I'm going by 31 days to be safe.) I'm crampy, but no sore . I had sore from the get go with my first pregnancy, I took a HPT (EPT digital one) this morning ( first thing in the morning.) and got a neg.. could it still be to early to tell? I don't FEEL like my period is coming, normally I'm very PMSy, and I don't feel like : "Oh Aunt Flo's coming to town." I also have cervical mucus (sorry TMI) out the whazoo.. If I could be pregnant, does anyone know of anything I can to do to prevent the same thing that happen with my twins from happening again? I didn't drink or smoke...I thought I did everything by the book....

Explain how two organisms can have the same phenotypes but different genotypes?

phetotypes is physical loooks. people look similar but have different genotypes because one genotype gets masked over the other. like blond and black come together black will win but blond is still in genes

+Other WQ's Has Anyone Ever Heard Of The Wrestler, Delirious?

Delirious is the head trainer for ROH/CHIKARA and the #1 comedy gimmick in the country. The "facewash" was a legendary trilogy on the indy circuit....

If it is so important that a country like Iraq should have an imposed democracy, why hasn't George Bush?

and his mates imposed one on Syria, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Brunei, Singapore(a very one sided democracy), Burma and others that do not offend the USA??

10 years ago i had a boyfriend. We did what lovers usually do. We were really intimate with each other but?

not for long he had to leave for family and personal reasons without saying goodbye to me. I felt so devastated and felt so down that i almost attempted to commit suicide, maybe bec i wasn't myself and truly been hurt coz he was my "all first.". Years ped i decided to move on. I had a good professional job, met illegible bachelors and finally married and now have 3 kids. All is going smoothly until my ex called up and want us to continue where we left off. He is already married now and have a kid too. I told him to leave me alone, i forgave him already and i already have a happy family. Knowing these facts, i thought he would finally give up but i was wrong. He calls me up time after time and treatens that he'll tell stories about our relationship to my husband and will ruin our family till i say yes to his indecent proposal. what should i do. Please help.

Is it possible to go around both Universal Studios and the Islands of Adventure in one day?

Yes, I've went through most of both starting from late afternoon/evening to night. it was great! have fun!

I'm stuck on my last Sunday Mail Crossword clue?

20 Down, Cryptic clue ' Pathetic Robert is one preferring to rowing at Eton', or quick clue, 'Rower at Eton' (3,3). Probably _E_, B_B? and why?

What motorcross bike is the best?

Hi everyone i been trying to figure out what size bike is for me, im 5 foot 3 1/2 and just turned 19 last week i want to get a bike i was thinking should i get and cr85 expert or crf150rb or are these to small for me, i havent seen one in person yet the places around dont have the 150rb in unless they order it and cr85 bikes are off the market unless you buy used. my question is what should i get or should i get bigger? the thing is i cant reach on 125 or 250 and i only rode a pw80 before and i had a ton of quads from blasters to 450s. so help me out everyone i want to get into racing aswell is there a cl for me ?

Business Partnership?

I run a business (single member LLC) in NJ and am planning to look for partnership, How can I go about doing this? Please note that I dont want to change the name of the company.

Tell me what you think?

is john cena dead, hurt, or did he get away from that a hole jbls car slam. I love cena but he was a retard to chase after jbl.... really tarded.

Any ideas for my creative english final?

This project should focus on representing a character from a book that i read this year (we read, Huck Finn, The Scarlett Letter, Romeo and Juliet, Ethan Frome, and the Great Gatsby). We need to consider the experiences that he/ she goes through in the book and how he/ she thinks or feels about life... please help!!!

Ohio State Basketball?

I love the buckeyes... we had talent this year we just didn't have leadership. Last year we Lewis, Harris, and i would even say Oden this year we had Butler who was a shake leader at best. If we get some guys who stay and step up like Kosta Koufus then we are going to be a terror in the big ten. weather we be a top five program?? We'll have the talent let just have to see if we have the leaders. O H

My sister cosigned for her now ex husband a car and he got it repoed...?

Now they are calling her for the money they didn't get when they sold it. The car still had almost 17 thousand owed on it and they only sold it for 9grand. They are calling her and she is about to have a nervous breakdown over it. She has always had great credit and is very responsible. She teaches at the university and middle school, but was recently laid off due to low enrollment. Her ex is a s bag now. He let the car get repoed and went out and got a new apartment and car. He is the primary signer on this loan. Can she do anything about this?? She only signed because they were married. Now she is jobless and thinking about selling her car to try and pay these people when it is her ex husbands debt really. Any advice? She's already paid off all the credit card debt he ran up. He rarely pays child support on time either. Only when she starts callin him. Advice would be great. I hate to see her like this. Thanks.

Early voting wait time?

I live in Georgia and voted on a Thursday the very first week that Georgia allowed early voting. I think we're currently into the 3rd early week of voting. I didn't have to wait more than 5 minutes. This was very helpful to me as I'm handicapped and waiting in a long line would have prevented me from voting.

Is there anything to this, or is she just crazy?

Agree with most the other answers. You went through the pc= nothing phone= nothing etc. And you were also there the times she claims your husband did this. Sounds to me that she just desperately wants back what she doesn't have anymore. Do you see any other clues at all? If not, I'd sum this up to a crazy ex and forget about her.

Should I stop talkin to my mom when I move out?

You're probably going to get a lot of answers saying that you should still talk to your mom, but I say you don't have to. She behaved really badly and hurt you, so you should go live with your dad and not talk to her. But first tell her why you won't be talking to her.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Fake ID , COP, Racist?

If a cop catches you with a fake ID and looks at your name and then asks you what is your religious affiliation. (In this situation, Jewish). And then frisks you and arrests you..........do you find something wrong in this situation?

Why have gas prices DOUBLED since the Dem Congress took control in Nov 2006?

And today, instead of voting on the republican energy bill that would allow drilling and all other forms of energy, Pelosi and Reid put up a vote to go on vacation for 5 weeks and did not address the issue of the oil crisis. This means we will go into winter and not be able to afford the heat our homes, will not be able to afford the increase in electric, the increase in food prices, and the increase in the necessities of life. Thats what the democrats are all about. They could care less how the voters will fair, they are comfortable and their life will not change. Anyone who votes for a democrat in Nov. is intoxicated with koolaid.

Have you ever done this and why?

Filed a "nuisance" lawsuit? In other words, have you ever filed a claim that you knew was sketchy, such as a "slip and fall" where you really weren't hurt but claimed that you were? Why did you do this? For monetary reasons? On principle? Because you think the legal system is a game where the attorneys are just as dishonest as the average person? Because you think insurance companies are crooked and need to be fleeced once in a while? Any or all of the above? None of the above? What were your reasons? No judgmentalism here...I'm just curious.

Obama's middle name?

How in the world have we arrived at the situation where if a commentator mentions Barack Obama's middle name--Hussein--he or she is considered a racist or religious bigot? This is getting weird folks. When a candidate's middle name cannot be uttered for fear of being called a racist or insensitive, we are all in deep doo doo.

Global warming deniers teaming up with Tobacco deniers again - are we shocked?

Actually, how is California fairing these days? The last I heard was that the State was handing out IOU's. So by restricting businesses further by implementing green energy when there is not enough green energy sources to accomplish this and the environmentalists are stopping new green energy farms from being made in a timely manner is going to make California more viable? Doesn't make sense at all.

I have a question? i need help.?

There is really nothing you can do just pregnancy hormones I am 29 weeks pregnant and still having my mood swings today I cried because I felt the bank teller was taking to long!

Why English-speaking country in the Western Hemisphere are more successful then Spanish-speaking countries?

...it is not the language, but the fact that many Latin American countries have had some sort of Socialism and many times a Totalitarian government where a few families and politicians ruled and threw a bone to the poor...most of Latin America's problems can be traced back to colonial times and the influx of Socialism...to answer the guy above, yes the Church had influence in Latin America, but King Charles took most of the money, land, and power from the Church in the early 1800s...but in the years following the Church has been a binding force with the people through all the tough times they have had...

2010 Census shows "United States (R)" - registered trademark. WHY?

In my Census packet (and probably everyone else's) there is a half-sheet notice included - from the United States Department of Commerce. At the very bottom of this paper, in the lower right corner, it says "United States (R) " i.e. the R with a circle around it, meaning it's a registered trademark. Why is United States a commercial entity now, and since when?

I'm trying to find a brain teaser thing where you must get a certain amount of people across a river by raft?

i got an email of a brain teaser where you must get a dad, 2 sons, a mom,2 daughters,a child convict, and her parole officer across a river in a certain way. please help me. i just cant seem to find it or the website. thanks.

Which one of these films is better?

The Breakfast Club or Ferris Bueller's Day-Off? Because these two films are considered John Hughes's best. I think Bueller is better because it's funnier, has more plot and Ferris is better than John Bender because he's the kind of teenager everyone would like to be.

In reading a Book on the Tribes of Israel, they say the Antichrist comes from the Tribe of DAN?

From what you included in your posting, I believe it, because out of the 144,000 servants who are sealed in Revelation 7, the tribe of Dan is not mentioned, (Judah-12,000; Reuben-12,000; Gad-12,000; Aser-12,000; Nepthalim-12,000; Manes-12,000; Simeon-12,000; Levi-12,000; Issachar-12,000; Zebulun-12,000; Joseph-12,000; Benjamin-12,000). Your posting has sure inspired me to study up on this more in the Bible - {{thank you CR}} God bless you!!!

Where can I find a SI units printable table for chemistry? Thanks?

a href="http://www.plasmaphysics.org.uk/convers.htm" rel="nofollow"http://www.plasmaphysics.org.uk/convers.…/a This one is good for physics and some chem constants

What is blue frosting?(snorting)?

I recently found out that a group of my closest friends is snorting what they call blue frosting. They all seem to have changed as far as their attitudes and behavior go and I am extremely concerned. I have tried to research what blue frosting is but keep coming up with nothing. I have been told by a few people that it is a form of meth and by another that it is a highly refined, potent version of cocaine. Others have said that it could be a kind of bath salts, or even pills. If you have any idea what blue frosting is please help, also any signs, symptoms, or affects that you know of would be useful and appreciated!

What's the strangest or grossest thing you've ever eaten in your life?

The most gross thing I ate was Octopuss in tomato sauce. I can still see those suction cup things and it had a horrible fish taste that made it so gross. I had two bites and that was it.

Zac efron or joe jonas

this is my poll do you like zac efron or joe jonas better i personely like zac efron better and i think hes hotter so which one do you think is better or hotter

Can I microwave MAM pacifiers to sterilize?

You could buy a steam steralizer to put in the microwave...everything could get steralized in it. Bottles, pacifiers, . I use the Avent brand.

Is Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. the most overrated fighter out there due to his fathers name?

I thought julio caesar chavez jr has the power to knock people out...And all he needs to do when he hire roach is to improved his quickness...But unfortunately he doesnt have those power that can knock those quality fighters out and the worst is that he also doesnt have the quickness to balance his height for a better result as a fighter...In other words, the moment he faces someone that can punch his dead meat...

Coughing and congested sore throat?

I wouldn't normally go to the doctor for this, BUT my lymph nodes underneath my neck are HUGE. Running 100 temp...should I go to the doctor or let it run its course.

Question from CW's Tv Series Nikita.?

Don't know for sure but I think someone's funding her or she's blackmailing people to give her money.

Spanish translation?? This lady migrated to spain from Germany & speaks broken spanish. I need some help...?

Most of it is undecipherable. She's basically trying to say: Cheers, I hope everyone is ok there, I know my spelling is horrible cos Ana works in a boat and doesn't have much free time, I was treated for cancer 3 yrs ago, I'm kinda ok now but still feel the pain and still have to go to see the doctor every 6 months, a big hug and kisses to you and your lovely child.

Can you use a blu ray dvd player on a 7 yr old plasma 42" TV?

Obviously the NEC plasma screen came out before the advent of "HDTV ready". I just want to avoid the expense of buying an HDTV screen when the plasma works fine.

Pregnant women/formally pregnant women!!! Answer please....:)?

yes, I had discharge early in pregnancy, and you just get more as you move along in pregnancy. My hurting was my first sign of pregnancy....they hurt in the shower especially, from the water hitting them. They hurt to put a bra on (just like you). That was about 11 days past ovulation, and about 3 days before my period was due. You could very well be pregnant...let us know and good luck!

Something is snipping off the bottom of my pea plants what is it?

the last two days i have gone out to my garden and noticed that my peas were wilted and when i went to water them i noticed that they werent even attached at the base of the plant. Please let me know what is eating them or how to keep them away

How many people were at Macbeth's castle?

At the banquet how many people were there (and at the time of the death) If it doesnt say in the script then how many do you think?

Is Harold Camping a Genius? Surely he got a ton of money off the Sheep when he predicted Judgement Day?

So was it just one more Religious Leader fleecing the Sheep? Or do you think he actually believed it?(In which case he's clearly delusional)

Where to find exposure for my 4 year old daughter?

Don't do it. She's 4, she'll do anything to get approval from Mom and Dad and putting her in a business rife with deception, lack of concern or respect for children as human beings, and an exhausting schedule of auditions where approval comes in approx. only 1 out of every 300 audition attempts for professional, established adult working SAG members is something you want. What does she want? Besides, I've never met a 4 year old who didn't have a lively free spirited personality. Don't be an idiot.

About buying the new type of spy sungles DVR(built-in), such as pixels & risk of being deteted?

the video data rate on a typical consumer video camera using SD cards is 6 mbps. the data rate on this puppy is a fraction of that, only 0.5 mbps. the pictures are likely to be unviewable.

I love this gurl i need helpppp plzzzz !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

i love this gurl and i want to know wen should i tell her i love hur im sure i love we bn dating 2 days febuary 18 -

Are the love tester actually correct most of the time?

Not sure which ones you mean, but anything that says it will test your love for someone, or test the love between two people, is a lie. Nothing can test love, it is only a fake game. :3 I promise

Monday, November 7, 2011

Is this a spirit or my subconscious?

ok, i'm a christian, and i have done an online ouija board in curiosity, and i think that stuff like them should be avoided now, because you never know who you might contact. i think that what you contacted was a demon disguised as a spirit/ghost, coz thats what they usually do, then they haunt you, and frighten you, this has happened to me, but i then became a christian, and i like to give advice out to people who are asking about ghosts and all that. i think you should just forget about this spirit, coz something dangerous might happen, i know i wud try to forget it anyway!! lol hope this helps.=]

What views did Herbert Hoover have on Woman's issues and racial issues?? Please provide lots of information!:)

I don't know for sure, but I know that he Liked to Wear Womens Clothes and I believe he had more than one Boyfriend.

I need some genuine online work, not promoting, eg data entry?

Hey, I don't know so much, I just know a site. Visit a href="http://www.googleadvertise.com" rel="nofollow"http://www.googleadvertise.com/a They have usually good offers for online workers.

NO on Proposition 8...?

Odd...that the "school" would push a liberal agenda and poisen young minds....it should not have ped and didnt....as you libs say about Obama...GET OVER IT

My BF showed his ex wife pictures of me?

Men can be so dumb. Make sure you tell him how you feel about this whole mess. Then let it go. Don't bring it up with the ex wife. If she brings it up, laugh it off with some general comment like Don't men do such stupid things, then change the subject. Don't act uncomfortable about it.

For personal informaion?

I am going to crochet a doily and have been out of school for a while so can't remember how to figure this out. I even looked it up on weights and measurements and still at a loss. I have to buy 6 of thread 20 grams/3/4 ounces each. Can you help by figuring out conveting the grams to ounces and then the total amount of ounces I would have to buy. This all the information I have regarding the amount of thread I would need to complete the project. Thank you.

Asked this question in spirituality, but the religous fanatics told me im going to hell...?

I dont know .. sumtimes ur attracted to a certain person. And u cant explain it..and yet u cant stop it. its just an attraction, and like a soul thing.. sumthings are unexplainable.. but if nothing is goin on with him u mite just have to let go and have to continue it if he comes along and feels the same way

Awesome bench warmers quote?

omg thers this rly funny quote that i wana remember n its when clark and richie meet reggie jackson for the first time. like wen he walks up and they say something like "thats dr dre" (thats probly wrong lol) n they kinda argue a lil bit about who it is, haha, any1 kno?

I want to impress my Ex Hubby when I call him. How can I do this?

Can't take no for an answer eh? About the best way to impress him would be to prove to him that you're independent, self reliant and through with creeps like him. You won't do it though so I think I'd skip the phone call and send a certified letter...at least you know he'll recieve that though don't expect him to read it any more than you expect him to want to speak to you on the phone. Your lack of dignity is astounding and I for one wish you better for yourself than you'll ever give. Good luck

What snowboard should i get?

I heard "all around boards" typically are garbage..Should I get a park board liek the rome cheap trick...and then once i get pretty good buy another board for powder? What do ppl typically do have one all around board or 1 board for park and jibbs,,then one for powder..what board do u recommend i would like to do park but then i also would like the option of doing pow.

How do I season this blah dish? I even followed direcions??

I made a New England stew, cornbeef (I used that lil season packet too),cabbage,potatoes,onions,carrots

Western saddle questions?

ummm..........im confused. you said that the form didn't say inches or sizes but then you asked how many inches you should put down. as for the suede seat/hard seat thing no suede is probably considered a hard seat, but a hard seat might also be considered one with out much padding. (have you ever ridden in one of those rock hard saddles that has you sore for days? terribly uncomfortable)

Am I the only one that realizes that the philosophies of Christianity make absolutely no sense?

Made from dirt? Born from a virgin? Creating but not created? Loving, but sending to hell? Being all powerful, but not controlling Satan? Being loving but creating Satan? Creating all on earth, but only having one "son"? Perfect, but needing (or wanting) something(humans)? Everywhere, but nowhere? Happy, but angry? Having "human emotion"? Creating two humans at the same time, but then creating one out of the other, from want(1gen 26-27, 2 gen 4,19)? Knowing that humans would sin from the first place, then acting like "he" didn't(2 gen 8-20)?((also knowing everything, but not knowing where Adam was, or who told him he was naked))? Having someone crucified, would forgive us of our wrong-doings? The crusades? Evangelicals brainwashing their children(jesus camp)? Great people, that live their lives serving others, and doing all they can to help people,but not believing go to hell? Not great people, who do some good, but believing, going to heaven? Televangalists? God creating sin? (on&on)

Farrah Fawcett Farewell wish?

Thursday morning before 9:30, Farrah Fawcett sadly ped away. She never got to marry her long relationship friend Ryan O'Neal. What are some of the things you would like to say? To her family and maybe even Farrah herself. I know she is watching from above and her pain is forever gone. We miss you.

Is giving your partner the "cosby sweater" a sin?

I don't think it's a sin; it's just not something that interests me. And I agree. I'm not sure I want to be touched by the imperfectionist either.

How can I make my computer cords last longer?

I agree with the other posters - don't abuse your cables and they will last forever. I have a ten year old laptop here and a couple of months ago I replaced the connector, because it had got a little worn after ten years constant use. The cable itself is still like new.

Fantasy football trade review?

hey guys im tradeing steve smith car wr and deaglo willams car rb for calvin johnson det wr and cedric benson rb cin

English speakers please help?

go on yahoo, and type in their names it will come up with wikipedia, try that for a biography as a source.

I need fast help please?

Iam dr.mohammed from iraq graduated from college of medicine -baghdad university at 1993,iam looking for schoolarship for post graduate study in any branch of medicine for long time but no positive result,please for your kind help for complete or partial scholarship in any engilish launguge countery for mastere or dictorate or post graduate diploma or research degree in medicine,i have no chance in iraq because of our misrable conditions please pleasae your help,realy iam so tierd from usless searching,iam very ambitious loking for higher education,not my fault borned here,iam complaining here too much i feel iam dead,please save me,iam died everyday here no past no present no future please under humanity relation and rights help me

Diet plan to lose weight..?

have a healthy balanced diet have more fibre and protein in your diet they keep you full and energized and you should have small meal every 3 hours check this site for article on fat burning foods, lazy way to lose weight, high protein diet and fibre and more fibre this should get you started

How can you stop farting?

I have a friend who has a terrible problem with frequent and very smally farts. How can he sort this out and is it a sign of any underlying health problem? Needs fixed as they will not go out due to embarrisment.

Boy's name. Which middle name?

Felix Damian or Felix Dennison? Please pick the middle name that you like the most (or dislike the least).

Macbeth essay questions?

Macbeth sees the dagger pointing at the kings room but he has guilt for doing the deed he sees banquo for the same reason, the blood on the hands means they are never free from what they did and lady Macbeth kills herself.

Tess Daly..Gorgeous..Intelligent..W… Why On Earth Would Vernon Kaye Risk Losing Her?

She was on an Irish chat show last night & she was lovely &so down to earth, & very witty & so attractive... he's so lucky to have her as I have gone right off him now.... he needs a good kick in his meat & 2 veg I think to make him get sense... guess the bit of attention went to his head...

How come there are mitsubishi motor in chysler/plymouth automobles?

I work as a mechanic helper and often i see mitsubshi motor in some dodges. These cars are from 89 model to 90's what happen in that car era industry?

Calories burned during boxing/kickboxing?

how many calories do you usually burn in about an hour of boxing or kickboxing and which is a better workout?

Why is nondisjunction not a problem during mitosis in adult humans?

If nondisjunction occurs in an adult, you just have two cells that have the incorrect amount of genetic information. Just one cell doing something wrong is generally not a problem, that cell will just die and you won't even notice. But if it occurs in a sperm or egg cell, than EVERY cell in the resulting organism will have the incorrect amount of genetic material and you see big malformations like Downs.

My sister doesn't want me in her bridal party. Do I have a right to be mad?

A few months ago I found out my sister got engaged and I was thrilled for her. I really like her fiance and I knew that she had wanted him to propose for quite some time now. So since then my sister has been planning her wedding and I have been helping her because I umed since I was her only sister that I would be a bridesmaid. Well I definitely umed wrong, because yesterday she informed me that she already picked her bridesmaids and I was not one of them. She said the reason is because her fiance's been pressuring her to ask his two sisters and she has already picked 3 of her friends that she is very close with to be bridesmaids as well. For reasons only known to her she can not have more than 5 bridesmaids. When she told me this I admit I let my emotions get the best of me and got really upset, which led her to say that I was being selfish and needed to grow up. Its true that we're not super close, but I'm still her sister! Is this not a betrayal? Because thats what it feels like. I would never dream of not having my sister stand up there with me at my wedding. The fact that she would have her fiance's sister's up there and not me is what really gets my blood boiling. Would it be wrong to not attend the wedding because of this? The wedding is not until August, but unless my sister changes her mind and lets me be a bridesmaid I definitely don't see myself forgiving her for this anytime soon.

What, why and how...my story?

Sorry you didn't get you BFP. Just keep a positive mind, it will happen for you. Tons of sticky baby dust your way!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Does not having a'' SPECIAL VALENTINE''..bring out the WORST in you?

It's not unusual for me. I've only ever been single! It's like any other day. I don't feel sad because I know I'm single by choice.

Rank these recent fighters and who make the top 10?

I knew that ignorant people would give me a thumbs down but it does not change the facts! Look at how Jones dominated James Toney weight problems are just excuses put prime Jones with anyone alive and he wins. Remember jr. was heavy weight champ at one point prime Roy Jones beats anyone that has ever lived in any weight period!

On a small budget, what do you get your affluent (i.e. buys whatever she wants) FIL's wife for Christmas?

I want to spend less than $20. Also, I'm crafty--I can sew and crochet. But, I'm flying so it needs to be smallish.

A bad Terminator mistake?

in the movie terminator 3,near the end,john,katherin,and arnold(good terminator) go to katherins dads safe to get the codes.the terminator easily opens and takes out the safe door with one hand.but in T2,when they went the cyborg factory place,he never opened the safe.he had to have the kid do it.y didnt he just open himself with his hand like in T3?

What do you think of "Top Ten Ways to Convince the Muslims We’re (the Americans) On a Crusade?

lol, Since you want to have a war on all Muslim countries, then we will have to defend our countries, wealth including oils, women and kids, and fight till death. I am sure you know about Jihad in Islam that is fighting for our rights.

Answering a child support summons, FL?

I am trying to help my brother find out info on answering a child support summons, sorry if this is lengthy. Him and his wife are separated, not divorced, no papers have been filed. She applied for medicaid for their son and the office told her she could not receive it until she petitioned the court for child support. ( THis is according to her) He received a summons with the complaint: stating that she is suing him for child support, retroactive child support for the past 24 months ( the child is 3) the cost of health insurance (even though she wants to use state paid medicaid) The cost of all out of pocket expenses related to medical care. He paid her $500 a month for the first year of separation until he was laid off, after that he has given her half of all money he has received for odd jobs and that was given to him, obviously this was cash. He has no problem paying support but does not want to pay retroactive support and wants shared custody and regular visitation, she has had her phone turned off and he can not get a hold of her most times, she will also not allow him to keep their son during the day while she is at work, no reason other than she doesn't want him too. What needs to be in the answer and should he include all of the visitation stuff and that she won't file divorce papers only because she doesn't want to share custody. Or only to put monetary issues in there. THank you in advance.

How does my story sound so far?

You should never start a story, or a sentence for that matter, with, "It was..." No one will want to keep reading. You'd probably have better luck getting a teacher or friend to read this for you.

Can anyone help me find a harry potter comic?

there is a comic called rhymes with orange by hilary price. on [i think] october 23, 2003, she featured harry potter in a local grocery store looking for voldemort. i can't find it online anywhere except one site called hpana or something, but it won't load. i also went to the rhymes with orange website and did the archive search, but because of internet security, that wouldn't load, either. any help??

Will Fox and direct tv have there contract dispute resolved before the Superbowl Feb.6th?

I honestly have no knowledge of the dispute, but I guarantee that the Superbowl will be aired for you. It is one of the most-watched TV events every single year and there is simply way too much money involved. It would be business suicide to prevent it from airing because of a contract dispute. They would lose way too much support and they would probably lose customers for life because they will appear unreliable in one of the most important TV events of the year. I really wouldn't worry about it if I was you.

Is the San Fernando Valley a good place to buy a house in the LA area?

After our 2 year lease is up we want to buy a house. When I say we I mean Kim and Me ( Kim is my Girlfriend ). And we want to know if its good or bad area. right now we rent a 1 bd 1 bath apartment in echo park

Is it possible to unlock the samsung u900 and use it for sprint companys?

Unfortunately, you can't unlock that phone and use it on Sprint's network. Right now, all CDMA phones have to used exclusively with specific networks. They are trying to change that, but right now, you'd have to use the u900 with only Verizon.

Who is your current favorite Indy wrestler?

If ROH is still considered Indy then it would be Delirious since he appears with ROH more than any other company at the moment and if they don't then i say Mike Quackenbush because lightning is awesome.

Can I close up outdoor fireplace vent?

I have a fireplace (wood burning) that has a little vent outside that looks like a dryer vent. Apparently it sucks in fresh air from there. Due to remodeling, I need to close this up as it won't be outside anymore and I don't want to move it. Is it safe to do so (I don't care about efficiency -- we live in FL and rarely use the fireplace).

Would koreans like to have our president gloria arroyo?

korea able to convict and send to jail its corrupt president, the philipines can not because of corrupt judicial system.

How is oat bran cereal for health?

Bran is very good for your fiber. Just make sure you don't eat to much, like a full bowl, it expands when it's in your stomach from absorbing the liquids so if you eat to much it will amek you sick.

I need to find the name of a Jazz artist who recently ped away.?

All I remember is that his first name was Harold and that he played a haunting/mysterious sounding jazz in the 60's/70's. I think he had a song called the "Departed". I can't find his full name anywhere. I appreciate any istance.

2 BFPs then one digi bfn?

i am due my period anytime between yesterday and saturday, i did one first response yesterday, BFP, then another, BFP then i did a digi and it was negative which has got me really worried, i mean could still be pregnant yeah, i hope so, i tried for my first daughters for months and this our first month so it would be really nice

Relationship hlp, hlp me please ASAP?

i just met this girl over the phone on the chat thing n she really seems to like me. she sent me a pic n i think she is cute. i sent her a pic and she said "thank you" lol n i was like "y" n she said "b/c its a good pic." n she seemed excited to give me her number cuz she asked me if i was going to ask for it or not. also she has asked if i like talking to her like twice. we have talked the last two days briefly but she called me after i had called her earlier and told me tht she would later today as well. she didnt but im not really tripping on tht. my real concern is how to get her quick but not seem desperate. im ok with my single life right now but wouldnt mind if the right person came n i think she might be it so i want to figure out how to play this upfront lol. so wht should i do as far as calling her n othr things. also she is 18 and im 22 so if tht makes a diff. then let me know. if possible give examples of how u played a similar experience before.

Is there any Lebanese people in badcompany2?

Is there any Lebanese people that play battlefield bad company 2 on pc. I play it but i wonder if there is any people my race playing it.

What does this mean?


Very Sick kitten?

You should take him to your nearst humane society or the nearest ASPCA. They can give him the attention that he needs. Bless you for trying.

Whats the mean of a erfly landing on your heart?

The other night while my mum was at work she had a strange experience happen. she works with food and while frying up some hot chips she had a colourful erfly come and land on her heart. She said it was very strange as it was night time and in such a hot area and being so busy. Her mother ped away last year and she believes that it was something symbolic of her it was also the night before mothers day. Does anyone know the meaning of this or have anything similar happen to them????

Saturday, November 5, 2011

How do I develop my own way of skateboarding?

The only trick I know is ollie and I can barely do that. I don't watch other people skate its just my "method" isn't working. I want to know how to work my own way of skating without having to look it up on youtube because I know every skater is different.

Fantasy Football Help!!!?

I would keep Tom Brady and Steven Jackson. The two of them are both top end players at there positions and are both, I believe, going to have big seasons. GL

Complicated situation!?

Its always a tricky situation deciding whether you should remain platonic friends with someone you like or if it could be better taking it to the next level. I say its always better to take the risk. Maybe you should just be blunt with how you feel about this guy cause theres always a chance that he may feel the same. This will eat you alive if you dont tell him how you feel sooner or later and once you get that brick off your chest you'll feel much better. Good Luck.

Blackjack counting question?

I know everyone has seen the layout for when to hit, stand, double etc based on what you have and what the dealer has in Blackjack. But what about if you are counting cards and know that there are a lot of high cards left in the deck. Are there any tables that illustrate what to do based on the count?

Your opinion please ?

Well you shouldn't be friends with anyone that you can't get along with, but at the same time, from suffering from depression a good social life is something that can help you out. So I would suggest taking your time to find other avenues of friends but do not hang out with people that could ultimately make your situation worse.

Macroeconomics question.. heLp Please!?

The Federal Reserve was established in 1913 and is, therefore, a “creature of Congress.” The President of the United States nominates members of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, subject to confirmation by the Senate. However, the Federal Reserve is basically free to pursue monetary policy independent of Congress or the President. Should the Federal Reserve remain independent of the President and Congress or should the President and Congress control monetary policy? Why?

Can anyone help me fix my elemental hero deck?

Don't use Elemental Heroes. They suck, are outdated, you will lose, they are unbalanced. I can go on and on and on and on. Don't use them unless you enjoy spending money on crap and losing.

Why should creationism be taught alongside evolution in public schools as Palin wants? ?

The "Theory of Evolution" is called a "Theory" because of observable data. That's why there is no "Theory of Creationism"

U have got to love Arsene wenger...�80m?serves barca right dont u think?

If its true then i love it...dont give in for them easily play hard to get...barca are dreaming if they think theyll get fabby for �30m not with wenger in charge...im sure we will get a sum not less than �50m...either that or barca can GTFO

Catholics, When a man cheats on his wife, what does she owe him in terms of their vows?

She has been seriously wronged and although she may seek a separation and or legal divorce she remains married in the eyes of God and the Church. It is entirely up to her if she remains with him but she must come to terms with his infidelity and forgive him this sin against her although she does not have to trust him again.

I'm african american and me and 7 friends want to convert to Islam after reading the Qur'an?

In Islam we say that you don't convert. You "revert" because according to Prophet Muhammad, Islam is so natural that everybody is born a Muslim. It's a child parents and society that him or her into something else. Once you become a Muslim, you are a brother to each and every Muslim on this planet. Free feel to email me if you have questions or need help.

Were can i buy aa ni-cad rechargeable batteries?

a href="http://shopping.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=AudlIMYPm_Se25ZOzWQJfrobFt0A;_ylu=X3oDMTBhNjRqazhxBHNlYwNzZWFyY2g-?p=AA+rechargeable+batteries&cop=mss&qss_spelltoken=n-3878121037_q-kNOlMkQ6A24rokB2pDU9qAAAAA@@&qss_clicked=1"http://shopping.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=Au…/a

Would i girl p gas in my face for 20 bucks?

i have this odd desire and money is the only way to get someone to do it. so do u think that 20 bucks would be enough to get a girl to do it. if the girls slaps me or kicks my i will be so angry because i wouldnt have done anything wrong but ask a question. this is not a troll , i am looking for serious answers here (i am NOT looking for a bunch of people to just go "ewww, gross" without answering the question, i will report you if u answer like that). btw i am 17 and plan to do this on girls around my age or somewhat older, do u think that a young girl would be open to this?

OK, so now that gas is more expensive than gold, what type of gas do I use in my 1950's and 1960's cars?

I have some early 1950's trucks with straight 6 motors, a 1964 Plymouth Barracuda, and a 1967 Olds Cutl. What type of gasoline do I use in these vehicles? Also, I have been researching and some say don't use the modern oils in older vehicles. Then, some say it is OK. I am soooooooo confused.

How can I solve this SAT math problem?

The solution is simple for this particular problem. You can quickly determine that there are 12 odd integers between 5 and 27, inclusive, and an identical number of integers between 8 and 30, inclusive. The difference between the starting (or ending) numbers is 3. Thus, the total difference in sums is simply 12 x 3 = 36.

Need your honest opinion and help?

She needs to get away from that horrid man, first and foremost. I know that isn't anything you personally can do but I hope she does that quickly. You are in a sticky spot. Are you willing to wait for her to do that? If so, then you are doing the right thing now by staying her friend and listening and being there for her. If you don't want to wait, then you should tell her that you want the relationship to move forward and you value her and would love to start a life together. I hope she makes the right choice, which (in my opinion) would be to be with you. Good luck!

Menopause or premenause?

I am forty-six years old. I know I am in the beginning of menopause. For years my periods have always been on time everymonth. Now they come every three or two weeks apart. One month i bleed very heavy last for 6 days. Next month not so heavy last 6 days. This month not really bleeding looked like old dried blood. went 6 days. I have very bad mood swings a day or so before the unset. I have terrible night sweats. Can someone give me some information on what else my body will be going though . Also my drive is straight down the tube. Will i get that back. I do not have to worry about being pregnant when and if i skipp periods my husband and myself have been fixed. Thank you for any help and information.

What should i do for my 13th birthday party?

Some of the best parties I've ever had were hotel parties. Having a huge suite for just you and your friends, the pool, room service, staying up all night, being comfy in pj's, make-overs and man/pedicures, cake fights, tons of junk food, dance-offs, donuts in the morning, etc. Buy like $15-20 worth of cheap make-up (Wet-n-Wild, NYC, or even dollar store) and manicure items for everyone play with. For food, one year we brought waters, salad, and put potatoes in foil and in a crock pot and brought things to stuff them (cheese, lettuce, sour cream, bacon, etc.) It's great because people can eat when they want and most girls want to eat healthy if pizza and pop isn't for your friends. We once all jumped in the jacuzzi with our bathing suits and poured cheap shampoo (it bubbles more) in the tub. The bubbles covered the whole bathroom! Everyone still talks about it. They were parties no one forgot! If you are a little bummed about the no boys thing.. I'd suggest doing it for just one year. It was totally worth it! There's less pressure when it's just your closest friends having an amazing night! Plus, how are you going to talk about boys when they're there? =P One more suggestion.. have your mom bring a friend or relative to relax in their own room in an adjoining room room next door so you can have privacy! Good luck!

What brand of shoe is best for constant standing and walking on concrete?

My husband broke a pair of 8 month old Sketchers in half (across the width), clean through a one inch sole. He does this with every pair of work shoes that we buy him. Should he wear some kind of insole, or just have these repaired and reinforced? We are tired of buying him shoes! Thanks a lot.

How does sirius radio work?

can someone please explain to me how sirius satellite work? what are you suppose to buy?just please explain to me how it works....

Are there different degrees of hell for different sorts of spiritual transgressions?

The book of Enoch told of different levels of Hell. If you read Dante's Inferno, it was plagiarized from Enoch

What is a choir conductor called?

I don't know the answer! What is a choir conductor or orchestra conductor called? The word starts with a "K" and that's all I know!

My 7 week old wont sleep?

She is awake and hungry, that's all. She may surprise you and switch to a longer sleep time tonight. At 7 weeks my son was sleeping through the whole night but it started with horrific non sleeping during the day. He now naps and sleeps through the night.

Do you think jbl has a chance 2 night?

vs cm punk,,,i dont,,,i think the match is useless,but i would not be shocked if edge costed cm punk the match to night with the way things have been going

Extremely tired child?

Doctors make mistakes like anyone else, both will ume the problem resolved unless your daughter goes back and tells them otherwise. Maybe your daughter could say she'd be reured if her daughter had blood tests to rule out anaemia or diabetes.

How far along are, and what are you going through right now? Anything interesting happening? Details please?

I am 29 weeks and on bedrest due to bleeding, I too have also caught every cold and bug that comes within 5 feet of me, I had a sonogram again and my little guy is literally folded in half like a lawn chair so that explains why his movements feel weird. I too swell if I am up and about (don't worry that will only get worse lol) and I have gained about 14 lbs I started at 128 so I am not doing too bad.

Where can i find a picture of a wedge heel peep toe pumps made by the bumper brand shoes. can somebody help?

the upper part of shoes is leather but heel is suede. would love to get one for next week. can somebody help me please. desperate

If English people are refined and don't like a lot of fuss, how come tens of thousands went to Las Vegas for?

a boxing match, chanting in unison as loud as they could, waving huge British flags around, and making sure they were heard......when others went about their business quietly