Sunday, November 13, 2011

POLL: Canada do you want to become a republic or do you want to maintain the monarchy, please opinions?

I'm not a Canadian, but am a Brit living in the US. I say that Canada needs to grow up and stand on its own. Get rid of the monarchy. I think the UK should rid itself of the nonsense as well. It's the 21st century people! If you want to see history, go to a museum or library. Don't use taxpayer money to fund such ridiculous displays of snobby people wearing sashes, tiaras, and dripping in jewels obtained from robbing the resources of former colonies. If royalty is all that makes the UK (and Canada for that matter) stand out from the rest of the world, then that's just plain sad. There is much more about the UK and Canada to be proud of. Start honouring those things!

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