Monday, November 7, 2011

Am I the only one that realizes that the philosophies of Christianity make absolutely no sense?

Made from dirt? Born from a virgin? Creating but not created? Loving, but sending to hell? Being all powerful, but not controlling Satan? Being loving but creating Satan? Creating all on earth, but only having one "son"? Perfect, but needing (or wanting) something(humans)? Everywhere, but nowhere? Happy, but angry? Having "human emotion"? Creating two humans at the same time, but then creating one out of the other, from want(1gen 26-27, 2 gen 4,19)? Knowing that humans would sin from the first place, then acting like "he" didn't(2 gen 8-20)?((also knowing everything, but not knowing where Adam was, or who told him he was naked))? Having someone crucified, would forgive us of our wrong-doings? The crusades? Evangelicals brainwashing their children(jesus camp)? Great people, that live their lives serving others, and doing all they can to help people,but not believing go to hell? Not great people, who do some good, but believing, going to heaven? Televangalists? God creating sin? (on&on)

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